

chair廣東話在[亂UP] 廣東話既英文翻譯- 看板HKMCantonese

作者[亂UP] 廣東話既英文翻譯
標題wongjim (逍遙公子)
時間2007-10-22 23:35:06 UTC


Piano piano green 琴琴青
Peter piano piano green go to school. 彼得琴琴青返學。

You teach me how to come out and walk in the future? 你教我以後點出黎行?

I give you some colour to see. 我俾D顏色你睇!

If you have enough ginger,put your horse to me.

Fish skin~魚皮 。

Blow water吹水
Monster of blowing water.

Stupid stupid want to move蠢蠢欲動 。

Face green green臉青青 。
"Why did you get face green green" "I saw a pork chop"

You see road carefully你小心睇路 。

You go to street carefully你出街小心D。

People mountain people sea人山人海 。

Are you road?你係唔係路呀?

How senior are you?你算老幾?

What the water are you?你係乜水?

Where are you come from?你邊度架?

Do you big me?你大我呀?

Zebra chops people班馬劈友 。

Do the world做世界 。

Big tea rice大茶飯 。

What the ghost are you talk?你講乜鬼?

Cut girl界女
The king of cutting girl界女王
Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair.批我個頭俾你當凳坐!
Do you think me didn't arrive?你當我無到?

Laugh die me.

You give me stop.你同我企係度。

American chinese not enough.美中不足。

Heart flower angry open.心花怒放。

You have seed ,I will give you some colour to see,brothers,together up.

King eight egg.王八蛋

Black son黑仔
Today I was very black son.今日好黑仔!

Wear grass著草
I am wearing grass.我著緊草。

I fear that you have teeth.我驚你有牙!

High hand.高手

A stupid guy can be taught.孺子可教

To collect hundred homes big achievement.集百家之大成

Good mother.好娘

You have not enough class to talk mathematics with me!

Old dot.老點

One old water 一舊水

Measure water/Pound water.磅水

A dragon service.一條龍服務

Hold hold water.楂楂水

Pump water.抽水

Two beat six.二打六

Two five boy.二五仔

◆ From:

→ wongjim:救命,快笑死我了~~~ 10/22 23:35
推 gammas:XDDDDD 10/23 00:39
推 owenkuo:想請問"A dragon service.一條龍服務"這是???? 10/23 00:40
推 lazylazy:給樓上,就是做全套阿XDD 10/23 03:49
推 wing651986:XXXXXXXXXXD 10/23 15:09
推 armades:我廣東話好爛喔 很多都不懂意思 >< 10/23 17:14
推 chansaowan:好笑!!!XD 10/24 09:39
推 luckyrene:真的假的會這樣寫啊? 懷疑中[email protected]@| 10/25 01:15
推 wongjim:有啊,我讀高中果陣有流行一段時間,俾一句大家估下 10/25 20:30
推 wongjim:what 7 you say? 10/25 20:31
推 Qboa:天呀..另一種外星語嘛 10/25 20:34
推 gofish:笑死...what 7 you say...係咪粗口@[email protected]" 10/27 14:22
推 lazylazy:是 你講乜X嘢 嗎? XDDDDD 11/06 17:18



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